Corporate Finance
for corporations and public companies
In Financial Planning we focus on the value drivers of your business models. We create comprehensive bases for decision-making through individual simulations.
The Valuation provides you with an objective basis for your decisions. We take into account your value drivers such as the life cycle, synergies and further development of business processes.
Our job is to turn complex pricing discussions into understandable Pricing Mechanisms and to support these with a reliable and comprehensible representation of these pricing mechanisms in your commercial contracts.
Our Transaction Services include, among other things, the following services: due diligence, valuation and the structuring of transactions. On request, we can contribute to the M&A transaction process with a more comprehensive approach.
As an independent Corporate Finance boutique we offer objective Second Opinions and Fairness Opinions for questions relating to the valuation of companies and projects and when determining the weighted average cost of capital (WACC).
You will find that we work off an equal footing as your discussion partner in the analyses of complex problems and development of feasible solutions. Together, we can develop reliable bases for decision-making.